kaori | Porn Star | AV大平台-Chinese Subtitles, Adult Films, AV, China, Online Streaming
- Portfolio
- 3
- Height
- 165
- B/W/H
- 90 58 90
- Birthday
- 1987-05-08
- Birthplace
- 千葉県
- aka
- Interests
- 穿泳裝
- Hobby
- Introduction
- 拍寫真,Kaori早在2000年的時候,她是以「森嶋かおり」(森嶋香織)的名字出道;到了2002年的時候,她正式改名為Kaori。過去,她寫真集、DVD出不完,在情色寫真界是非常知名的女優,甚至有情色寫真第一人的稱號。也因為情色寫真的成功,受到演藝圈的注意,讓她在談話節目和戲劇中演出,可惜隨著年紀愈來愈大、發展空間卻愈來愈小,終於被說服轉型為AV女優。她的作品不管是口交的技巧、誘惑的眼神、受不了刺激高潮的表情以及和男優各種體位的配合,Kaori全都不輸一線級的女優,真心推薦給喜愛大姐姐的朋友們。
Grid:kaori 的作品
Men are props for pleasure Get teased by busty erotic bitches!
Wife ran away from home after leaving a note! "What should I do next~" The mother-in-law who lived in my house worried that I was too lost... After taking a shower, she walked around the house naked u...
Friend's Mom Gets Cummed Several Times By Friend's Son... KAORI
List:kaori 的作品
xmom-52 Subtitles Men are props for pleasure Get teased by busty erotic bitches!
voss-068 Subtitles Wife ran away from home after leaving a note! "What should I do next~" The mother-in-law who lived in my house worried that I was too lost... After taking a shower, she walked around the house naked u...
meyd-159 Subtitles Friend's Mom Gets Cummed Several Times By Friend's Son... KAORI